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But walking in Christ's footsteps is our calling.
was, or being resurrected and glorified.
We do not often think about the church being silenced as Jesus
then resurrection and ascension.
success of enemies in silencing the witness,
a time of ministry, an end to that ministry,
And follow its career as it follows the paradigm of Jesus:
the church in its witnessing capacity.
the Christian church since its beginning:
Understand it to be a picture of the witnessing function of
This vision of the Two Witnesses deserves intense meditation.
Screen # 20/20
of John's little scroll applies to the church as a whole.
f. This vision illustrates how the sweetness and sourness
and ascension, patterned by Christ himself.
e. The church will enter glory only by death, resurrection,
on earth is terminated, rejected by the world at large.
d. The church must expect a time to come when its influence
when its ability to proclaim the gospel is ended.
c. The church must expect that a time will come
proclamation of the gospel.
b. The church must expect opposition always to its
continue to proclaim the gospel.
a. The church (all Christians taken together) must Select each implication you judge to be correct. 6. Overall INTERPETATION (11:1-14).Screen # 19/20
h. The two future Christian leaders will be executed.
day come to an end.
g. The witnessing function of the church will some 5. The death of the two witnesses means:
during the coming period of persecution.
f. Awesome power to be given to two church leaders
e. The invincible power of Christ in the gospel. 4. The power exercised by the two witnesses represents:
d. The entire witnessing activity of the Christian church.
church during 3
years of persecution.
c. Two great Christian leaders who will lead the 3. The two witnesses represent:
just before Christ's return.
b. Literally 3
years of intense persecution which will happen
a. The period during which the gospel and the church is opposed. 2. The 42 months of trampling by the Gentiles means: Here are some interpretive alternatives.Screen # 18/20zdcba INSTRUCTIONS
d. John measures the temple
c. Two witnesses prophesy
b. John is instructed to continue prophesying
a. Two witnesses die and rise again
When finished, enter z . Corrections are possible.
Enter a letter, press ENTER; then enter a number, press ENTER. Number the following items in their proper sequence. 1. John describes how the proclamation of the gospel continues. Revelation 11:1-14
Scene Three:
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joy in serving the Father, pain from the opposition of enemies.
d. Yes, every Christian follows the pattern of Jesus himself:
plane of victory always.
c. No, every Christian overcomes the devil and lives on a
the distress of this world.
b. No, every Christian experiences continual victory over
and also trouble from the world.
a. Yes, every Christian experiences joy in his faith, from his faith and afterwards have it turn sour? (10:8-11) scroll? That is, does every Christian first experience sweetness 7. Would you generalize on the experience of John in eating this little
c. The Gospel f. The Covenant
b. The Lord's Supper e. The Creation
a. The Bible d. The Church (Note: a case can be made for each; select the one you judge best.) 6. What specifically does the little scroll represent? (10:8-11)Screen # 16/20 Enter y or n . provides a bittersweet experience.
turns sour, the scroll is something which
d. Because John's original taste of sweetness
assimilated, absorbed, by a human person.
scroll represents something which can be
c. Because John is instructed to eat it, the
God has accomplished, not the devil.
angel, the scroll represents something which
b. Because it lies in the hand of the mighty
revealed, i.e., already accomplished.
represents something which has already been
a. Because it is open, not sealed, the scroll
YES/NO 5. What does this little scroll represent?
c. Eat the scroll held by the Mighty Angel.
b. Guard the scroll held by the Mighty Angel.
a. Read the scroll held by the Mighty Angel. 4. What is John instructed to do (10:8-11)?Screen # 15/20letter a Enter writes is very mysterious. e. John must not delay writing any longer, everything he any longer. d. The seventh angel must not delay blowing his trumpet for a long time now. c. God has been delaying the consummation of his purpose that is, nobody knows when.
b. It is a mystery when the seventh trumpet will be sounded;
which reveals the mystery of God's purpose.
a. Delay ends with the blowing of the seventh trumpet, 3. Interpretation of `delay.' Select the BEST restatement. to his servants the prophets.' (NIV) the of God will be accomplished, just as he announced days when the angel is about to sound his trumpet, Complete 10:6-7, `There will be no more ! But in the 2. What the Mighty Angel said.Screen # 14/20
How he shouted h. sun
Where he put his feet g. sea and land
In his hand f. rainbow
His legs e. little scroll
His face d. like a lion
His halo/hat c. heaven
His robe b. fiery pillars
Where the angel came from a. cloud
MATCH. 1. Description of the Mighty Angel (10:1-2) Revelation 10
Scene Two:
Screen # 13/20 do not persuade us humans to repent from evil. n. to show that even the most terrible disasters
Christian nations and non-Christian nations.
m. to predict a climactic military battle between 8.
The main significance of the vision as a whole is ...
l. the non-Christian remainder of mankind does not repent.
k. the gospel is widely successful. 7.
The climax of this vision is ... the future battle of Armageddon. enemies came, and thus the source of the enemy in j. the boundary from beyond which ancient Israel's of opposition to Christ.
enemies came, and thus (for Christians) the source
i. the boundary from beyond which ancient Israel's 6.
The Euphrates River symbolizes ...Screen # 12/20 h. that God controls the timing of events, even evil ones. inflict destruction on the human race.
g. that Satan was waiting for an opportune moment to
Euphrates River, waiting for this moment, implies ... 5.
The fact that these four angels had been bound at the
f. function at the command of Satan.
e. function as messengers of God. 4.
The four angels at the Euphrates River ...
d. a messenger.
c. what a Christian becomes after death. 3.
The word `angel' means ... Enter a letter.
b. the authority of God.
a. the sacrifices made on the altar. 2.
The voice from the golden altar represents ... INTERPRETATION (9:13-20). Select the BEST answer in each group.Screen # 11/20 Enter letters. d. Horse tails h. The horns of the golden altar. c. Fire, smoke, sulfur g. The great river Euphrates. b. 33% f. Release four angels. a. 200,000,000 e. John hears a voice.
Snakelike weapon which also inflicted injury.
Threefold weapon which came from horses' mouths.
Size of the armies commanded by four angels.
Percentage of mankind which the four angels killed.
Where four angels had been kept bound and ready.
Instruction given to the sixth angel.
Source of the voice commanding the sixth angel.
First event after blowing of sixth trumpet. 1.
MATCH. Revelation 9:13-21
Scene One:
Screen # 10/20
Scene Three : Two Witnesses
Scene Two : A Mighty Angel
Scene One : Four Angels Unleashed
NOTE: We will study the Sixth Trumpet in three scenes.
numbers. verse Enter
Two witnesses ascend to heaven.
John eats a little scroll.
Four angels are unleashed.
Provide the verse references for the following major events. 1. Survey of the vision of the Sixth Trumpet. Revelation 9:13 - 11:14
Screen # 9/20
but not harming Christians (people with God's mark on them).
hounding all evil in the world,
unleashed by the redemptive action of Christ Jesus,
under God's control,
We should learn to see those forces at work in this world,
against the powers of evil.
Through the gospel, Christ unleashes powerful forces
Screen # 8/20 troubled period preceding Christ's return. guarantees that Christians will not suffer during the f. Since the locusts do not torment Christians, the vision
guilty conscience for wicked behavior.
forces which torment only non-Christians; such, e.g., as a
e. Since they do not torment Christians, the locusts represent which accompanied the exodus from Egypt (Ex. 10).
d. This vision recalls to mind the plague of locusts
prior to the Lord's return.
c. This vision is a prediction of widespread crop failure Enter a letter.
b. The locusts torment only non-Christians.
a. The locusts torment only Christians.
Select one from each group. 2. Interpret the symbolism of the locusts (9:1-11).Screen # 7/20 Enter s or l or p .
g. exercise power for five months
f. open the abyss
e. cannot die
d. fall to earth out of smoke from abyss
c. receive a key
b. harm people lacking seal of God
a. develop a death-wish
STAR/LOCUSTS/PEOPLE Show the SUBJECT of each action (who performs it). 1. The actions resulting from the blowing of the fifth trumpet. Revelation 9:1-12
Screen # 6/20
Later visions will spell this out in more detail.
of the world: disaster to the powers of evil.
has brought great disaster upon a large segment
they affirm that the coming of Christ and the gospel
The first four are similar in form and content; together
to have effect upon the human race.
how the earthly ministry of Jesus continues
These four trumpets begin to show, symbolically,
disasters such as pollution, acid rain, and the like.
John is not foreseeing ecological imbalance and
of one-third of nature.
Do not take literally the destruction
Screen # 5/20
d. No, these trumpets must be from the devil not from God.
be eliminated.
c. Yes, the goodness of God requires that all non-goodness
to the human race.
b. No, one cannot think that God would send such trouble
evil is to be destroyed.
a. Yes, there is a kind of violence which must happen if should produce destruction? 3. Is it consistent with the nature of God that these trumpets
d. They bring great disaster to earth.
c. They bring great blessings to earth.
b. They effect one-third of their objects.
a. They affect the entire earth. 2. Characteristics of the first four trumpets (8:6-12).Screen # 4/20 Enter letters. f. the effect which Jesus' ministry has upon human life. e. God's plan and purpose for human destiny. d. the destruction of the powers of evil in the world. c. the seventh seal. b. Christians are instrumental in causing this upheaval. a. Jesus.
incense) suggests that ....
6. The immediately preceding context (prayer mixed with
5. The first four trumpets suggest, symbolically, ...
4. The opening of the seals points to ....
3. The person who is opening the seals is ....
2. The seventh seal is on a scroll which symbolizes ....
1. The seven trumpets are the contents of ....
1. Review the setting. Match opening sentences with conclusions. Revelation 8:6-13
Screen # 3/20
happen in the history of humanity.
God's power is joined with our power and incredible things
what you are praying for, what are you doing about it? Then
and is hurled back to us, as if God is saying: Well, this is
our prayers, after purification, is ignited with divine power
In this vision John sees prayer at work. The residue of
Enter a or d . life and history.
which the gospel (through energized prayer) has upon human
d. The thunder, lightning, earthquake symbolize the effect
God's challenge to us to act upon our prayers.
c. The hurling of the ignited mixture back to earth represents
addition of divine energy to our prayers.
b. The igniting of the mixture in heaven represents the
purification of our prayers.
a. The mixing of incense with prayer represents the
AGREE/DISAGREE 2. Interpretation. (8:1-5) Evaluate the following judgments.Screen # 2/20 Enter t or f .
f. Back on earth, the mixture comforts the saints.
e. The ignited mixture is hurled back to earth.
d. The mixture gradually evaporates.
c. An angel ignites the mixture in heaven.
b. God receives the mixture of incense and prayer.
a. The smoke of the incense is mixed with aromatics.
TRUE/FALSE during which another angel offers incense before the throne. 1. The blowing of the seven trumpets is preceded by a pause Revelation 8:1-5
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